Tools & Techniques

Spiritual Blessings ā€”Ā No matter what issue you are facing, the spiritual blessings that are
stored up for you in Christ Jesus can be your experience by faith. (PDF)

Appreciation ā€”ā€œGiving thanks in all thingsā€ is one of the more challenging and overlooked exhortations in Scripture. It is also one of the most powerful tools for overcoming attitudes of anxiety, discouragement, self-pity, and entitlement. This resource will yield the greatest benefit if you will commit to continue giving thanks for your issue until you can do so with a heart of acceptance and surrender. (PDF)

Adoration ā€”This comprehensive resource is designed to give you an overview of what the Bible teaches about praise and worship. It will help you get in touch with your own belief system about this important topic and provide you with ideas for growth as you seek to go deeper in your relationship with God. (PDF)

Articulation ā€”This resource is designed to give you strategies for reinforcing biblical truths with the words you speak. (PDF)

Listening to God ā€”The Bible is Godā€™s primary form of communication with His children. As you meditate on its truths, the Holy Spirit will personally apply it to your heart. This tool will help you sharpen your spiritual hearing and test what you have heard against the principles of Scripture. Use it to enrich your personal times with God and to gain clarity when seeking Him in prayer. (PDF)

Elevation ā€”Better known as ā€œI Feel But God Says,ā€ this is undoubtedly the favorite and probably the most frequently needed tool in your spiritual toolbox. It is very useful whenever your emotions are keeping you from benefiting from the truth that sets you free. By encouraging you to honestly bring your feelings before God, you can receive reassurance that He knows and cares. By bringing Godā€™s Word into your situation, it enables you to gain an eternal perspective.(PDF)

Education and Appropriation ā€”This resource provides assistance with two fundamental elements of the life of discipleship: 1) developing Biblical thinking as you learn what Scripture has to say about various topics, and 2) making personal application of these truths by praying them into your life.(PDF)

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