Empty Nest

ā€œBecause he loves me,ā€ says the Lord, ... ā€œI will protect him.ā€ Ā  For a solid year I had dreaded the day when my firstborn child would leave home to go to college. Things would never be the same once he left. Ā Iā€™d sniffled (and sometimes cried outrigh ...

Re-Thinking Play, 04/22/14

This week Dana led us in Trumpet Call. We praised the Lord with 1) Children of Light by Passion 2) Lord, I Need You by Matt Maher 3) The Same Love by Paul Baloche 4) He Knows My Name by Tommy Walker. Dana helped us to redefine play as an exchange of he ...

On the Move

You are Godā€™s buildingā€¦Surely you know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you! Ā 1 CorinthiansĀ  3:9, 16 GNT   The master craftsman works, painstakingly fitting the pieces together. Having carefully chosen his tools, he wields ...

Counting On God, Part 16 – 03/27/12

This week we continued our discussion of strongholds and how seeds of future misfortune are often planted in times of great success and prosperity. 2 Sam 5:11-13 shows us how, in his great prosperity, David chose to take many wives and concubines which le ...

Counting On God, Part 11 – 01/31/12

This week we continued our discussion on bearing fruit by looking at the story of Gideon in Judges 6. We looked at how we can bear fruit in the midst of situations when it doesn't "look" or "feel" like God is with us. Like Gideon, we too can learn to trus ...

Counting On God, Part 2 – 09/20/11

This week Kathy continued our Counting On God series focusing on John 14:21-31 NLT. We saw Jesus' example of love expressed through obedience and learned how we too can love God with (1) LOVE as our motive - Jesus said, "but I will do what the Father requ ...