We began our second lesson in the series LIVING HOPE with praise and worship singing I Have a Hope by Tommy Walker, Solid Rock by Austin Stone and King of My Heart by Bethel. Kathy continued the study with an examination of Abraham, our biblical examp ...
Tramp For The Lord
This week in class we talked about how to "number our days aright so that we may gain a heart of wisdom." (Ps 90:12) Living within the parallel boundaries of faith and love is one of the biblical strategies we discussed. This article is based on that pri ...
All Those Other Voices, 10/08/13
We entered the courts of the Lord with 1) You Are My All In All by Dennis Jernigan and Natalie Grant, 2) Man of Sorrows by Hillsong, and 3) Here's My Heart by David Crowder. We discussed the different voices that we hear such as FEAR and FLESH, and wer ...
The Promise and the Process, 09/24/13
Yesterday we exercised our faith muscles, just like our ancestor Abraham (Rom. 4:20), as we praised to 1) Come Thou Fount by David Crowder 2) The Lord Our God by Passion and 3) Help My Unbelief by Red Mountain Church. We then examined Hebrew ...
The Big Picture, 09/17/13
We kicked off our year in praise with 1) Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy, by Beth Moore 2) The Lord Our God by Passion and 3) Healing Rain/Let It Rain by Jacque Deshetler. Unfortunately, due to broken equipment, we do not have a recording this week. Kath ...
Week 4: Doorway to Deeper Worship – Kathy Girardeau
We finished our series on Drawing Nearer To The Heart Of God this week with Kathy leading us through the end of Revelation 3 and the beginning of Revelation 4, tying all 4 weeks together. Debby opened praise with Psalm 148 and we watched an amazing video ...