NEW WINE Series coming September 2023

In Scripture, New Wine symbolizes abundance, joy, productivity, and (of course) newness. Join us as we study the New Covenant and learn to enjoy: New Security based on the Fatherā€™s unconditional, unchangeable love New Motivation from that love (no ...


Please join us for the remaining sessions of our series ā€œHow Relationships Work.ā€ We will meet these Tuesdays: March 17th and 24th, April 7th and 14th. Class times are 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.ā€“or follow online anytime! Ā  Ā  Ā  BLESSED   I will b ...

Empty Nest

ā€œBecause he loves me,ā€ says the Lord, ... ā€œI will protect him.ā€ Ā  For a solid year I had dreaded the day when my firstborn child would leave home to go to college. Things would never be the same once he left. Ā Iā€™d sniffled (and sometimes cried outrigh ...

Intruder Alert!

Don't miss the new semester of Times of Refreshing: Re-Thinking Work and Rest beginningĀ January 28th. Join us in personĀ on Tuesday morningsĀ at 10 at Covenant Presbyterian Church, Room 104 and invite your friends! If that is not possible, you can take adva ...