What Not To Wear

We have 2 more Monday nights to enjoy “Drawing Near to the Heart of God” together. Come and see for yourself what the Bible teaches about praise and worship. I will be teaching “Making Praise Personal, Part 2.” I hope to see you there!     WHAT NOT TO ...

Ushered Into The Holy Place

I am delighted to welcome Jean Costner Thomason as our guest writer for this week’s post. Once you read her amazing insights into the essence of worship, you’ll want to mark your calendar to attend our study this June, “Drawing Near to the Heart of God.” ...

Identity Theft

How terrible it will be for anyone who argues with his Maker! He is like a broken piece of pottery lying on the ground. Does clay say to a potter, "What are you making?" Does a pot say, "You don't have any skill"? Isaiah 45:9 NIRV   I met Phyllis Hamm ...

Fresh Hope

With Christians and non-Christians alike, challenging circumstances tend to turn us inward. We grit our teeth and hope the challenges end sooner rather than later. Not my dear friend Mary White—read how her prayers took her from grim resignation to a plac ...

Watching My Step

He orders his angels to protect you wherever you go. Psalm 91:11 NLT     In December, the streets of New York City are filled with people. Tourists in colorful toboggans and scarves crowd the sidewalks as they pause to capture holiday sc ...

On the Move

You are God’s building
Surely you know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you!  1 Corinthians  3:9, 16 GNT   The master craftsman works, painstakingly fitting the pieces together. Having carefully chosen his tools, he wields ...