Counting On God, Part 7 – 10/25/11

Our seventh week of Counting On God had us continuing in John 15:7-8.  Our main focus was on BELIEF/FAITH. We also picked apart Heb. 11:1 and Heb. 10:38. We were created with a measure of faith and we all put our faith in something. It is the object of th ...

Counting on God, Part 6 – 10/18/11

This week we continued in John 15 with the reminder in verses 7-8 that if we abide in Christ and His words abide in us...we will bear much fruit. As we crave His word like spiritual milk we will grow spiritually, grow in intimacy, and grow in trust with t ...

Counting on God, Part 5 – 10/11/11

This week marked week 5 of Counting on God! We continued our study of John 15 focusing on verses 6-8. Kathy began by continuing our discussion of PROFITABLE PRODUCE, reminding us that as we abide in Christ we will produce both internal and external fruit. ...

Counting On God, Part 4 – 10/04/11

We continued our Counting On God series in John 15 this week but concentrated on verses 4-5. We challenged the lie that we can be who we were created to be APART FROM THE VINE. It wasn't Adam and Eve's desire to be like God that was sinful. They/We are cr ...

Counting On God, Part 3 – 09/27/11

We continued our Counting On God series this week focusing on John 15:1-5. Kathy used the example of the vine and branches to illustrate how we are: 1) Grafted into Christ - This describes our RELATIONSHIP to Christ, that we have been rescued from the emp ...

Counting On God, Part 2 – 09/20/11

This week Kathy continued our Counting On God series focusing on John 14:21-31 NLT. We saw Jesus' example of love expressed through obedience and learned how we too can love God with (1) LOVE as our motive - Jesus said, "but I will do what the Father requ ...