We began our 11th lesson with praise and worship singing Just As I Am by Travis Cottrell. (Playlists can be found on our YouTube channel) Kathy continued our series on the Wilderness with a lesson on our mindsets and how unbelief can affect our life.
THE WILDERNESS – Wilderness Mindset: Compromise: 02/04/20
We began our 10th lesson with praise and worship singing New Wine by Hillsong and Solid Rock by Austin Stone. (Playlists can be found on our YouTube channel) Kathy continued our lesson on the Wilderness with another lesson on our mindsets and how comp ...
THE WILDERNESS – Recognizing Wilderness Mindsets: 01/28/20
We began the Spring semester and our 9th lesson with praise and worship singing Desert Song by Hillsong and I Stand Amazed by Reawaken Hymns. (Playlists can be found on our YouTube channel) Kathy continued our lesson on the Wilderness with an explorat ...
THE WILDERNESS – Trusting God in The Wilderness: 11/19/19
We began our 8th and last lesson for the fall semester with praise and worship singing Blessed Be Your Name by Tree63 and Another In the Fire by Hillsong. (Playlists can be found on our YouTube channel) Kathy continued our lesson on the Wilderness wit ...
THE WILDERNESS – Waiting on God’s Word in The Wilderness: 11/12/19
We began our 7th lesson with praise and worship singing Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus by Casting Crowns and Whisper by Jason Upton. (Playlists can be found on our YouTube channel) Kathy continued our lesson on the Wilderness with an exploration into ...
THE WILDERNESS – Shaping Character in The Wilderness: 11/05/19
We began our 6th lesson with praise and worship singing Promises Never Fail by Bethel and In Christ Alone by Kristian Stanfill. (Playlists can be found on our YouTube channel) Kathy continued our lesson on the Wilderness with an exploration into what ...