Kathy continued with the sixteenth lesson in our series, EXPECTATIONS, looking into ways we can expect transformation in our relationships. Praise & Worship Playlist: 04/06/21 Video: Expecting Transformation: 04/06/21
EXPECTATIONS -Negotiating Unresolved Expectations: 03/30/21
Kathy continued our series EXPECTATIONS with our fifteenth lesson on how to negotiate the unresolved differences in longstanding relationships with forgiveness. Praise & Worship Playlist: 03/30/21 Video: Expectations: Navigating Unreso ...
EXPECTATIONS -Negotiating Expectations: 03/16/21
Kathy continued our fourteenth lesson in our series, EXPECTATIONS, looking how we can stay in alignment with God's call to love one another in our relationships. Praise & Worship Playlist: 03/16/21
EXPECTATIONS -Expectations in Relationships: 03/09/21
Kathy continued with the thirteenth lesson in our series, EXPECTATIONS, looking into the differences between biblical vertical expectations and our earthly horizontal expectations as they are experienced in our relationships. Praise & Worship Pla ...
EXPECTATIONS -Expectations about Prayer: 03/02/21
Kathy continued with the twelfth lesson in our series, EXPECTATIONS looking into the biblical expectations about prayer. Praise & Worship Playlist: 03/02/21 Video: Expectations about Prayer: 03/02/21
EXPECTATIONS -R.I.S.E. Above your Circumstances: 02/23/21
Kathy continued with the eleventh lesson in our series, EXPECTATIONS looking into how God wants us to be in relationship with Him as we learn about the consequences of our life choices and Rise above our circumstances to know Him. Praise &a ...