Victory Through Prayer, Part 3 – 04/19/11

This week we concluded our semester and our series on Victory Through Prayer, focusing on contentment. Paul LEARNED contentment. His schoolroom consisted of  1) Perils - He suffered physical and emotional distresses that would trump any of ours, yet he kn ...

Victory Through Prayer, Part 2 – 04/12/11

This week we continued our series on Victory Through Prayer.  We focused on the biography of Jesus using Philippians 4:8 as our guide to fix our eyes on the character of Jesus rather than being anxious. Then we were again reminded that the purpose of pray ...

Victory Through Prayer, Part 1 – 04/05/11

This week we began our final series of the semester, Victory Through Prayer. Our focus text was Phil. 4:1, 4-9. Paul modeled for us that, with prayer, we can handle every emotion and issue that comes our way. Prayer invites a supernatural, invisible God i ...

Trumpet Call to the Arms of God – 03/29/11

Last week we had Trumpet Call where we looked at total surrender. We redefined surrender moving from the idea of being pinned to the mat and waving our white flag to realizing that surrender is actually running into the waiting arms of our Lord. We watche ...

Victory Over Self, Part 5 – 03/22/11

We ended our series on Victory Over Self this week. We were reminded that Paul preached about a personal, experiential knowledge of Jesus. Saul's encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus CHANGED EVERYTHING!!! He went from Saul to Paul, knowing the Scr ...

Victory Over Self-Righteousness, 03/08/11

We continued our Victory Over Self series this week with part 4 - Victory Over Self-Righteousness. I certainly am glad to have an extra week to chew on this one as I could see my name written all over this lesson! Kathy began by describing our vicious cyc ...