About Us

I often marvel at the power and creativity of God when I consider how I arrived at becoming a Bible teacher and leader of a discipleship ministry. After all, I was the woman who had vowed, “I’ll do anything but teach” when my father urged me to use my gifts in a classroom just as 7 of his siblings had. Instead, I pursued a degree in pharmacy and a career in pharmaceutical sales. All along, however, I was aware that God had planted a deep love for His Word in my heart and an intense longing to do something of lasting significance. I assumed that marrying and having children would quell these rumblings, but realizing these dreams only made the desire for eternal things more intense. After a yearlong wrestling match with God, I finally agreed to leave the workforce and become a full-time mom. Almost immediately, the Lord began to present me with opportunities to work for His Kingdom. To my great surprise, not only did I participate, but I actually enjoyed ministry!
I’ll never forget the day that the direction of my life was forever changed. I heard Psalm 119:65 explained for the first time. Its basic meaning is that I can expect God keep His promises and interact with me according to what He says in the Bible. Suddenly, I saw my relationship with Him in a new light that was shockingly simple. I am free to approach God (in fact I am invited to do so!) asking Him to make His Word my personal experience. All my years of acquiring Bible knowledge were about to culminate in what Jesus modeled for us—a lifestyle of discipleship. To say that I was excited is an understatement! I furiously began applying all the principles and promises of Scripture and found, to my great delight, that God is completely faithful to fulfill His Word. This discovery was too great to keep to myself. I soon had 3 other women meeting around my dining room table seeking to apply the Word of God to the issues of their lives as well. As I have continued this pursuit over the years, the Lord has not only grown me spiritually, but has called other women to join me in the journey. The ministry of Divine Design Discipleship has become a community in which many women of faith have learned to know God and experience life according to His design.
This website is offered so that you might take advantage of the testimonies, tools and techniques that have proven helpful in my journey. I pray that God will bless you as you explore them.
~ Kathy Girardeau
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