The apostle Paul provides a dramatic example of “Learning to Lean,” our new series for this year. He began as one who leaned on his own efforts, energies, and faith-based activities. Paul experienced transformation as he learned to lean on Jesus’ redeeming love and resurrection power.
Think for a moment how your day-to-day life would change if you learned to lean on God more. Certainly you could expect less stress and a greater level of peace. This will be our focus in Divine Design this year. Join us as we pursue this topic and accept the summons of the wise and humble Saint Paul: “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1)
Paul has much to teach us about leaving behind self-reliance and beginning to develop more wholehearted trust in God’s character and in His Word. He understood deeply the unconditional covenant love of our Father and urged us, his readers to draw near to the throne of grace. We find in his prayers one who experienced heartfelt thanksgiving and a daily enjoyment of the spiritual blessings bestowed that are ours as children of God. Paul offers many testimonies of overcoming hardship by the supernatural strength of the Holy Spirit that lives inside. What an amazing way to approach life!
We invite you to join our discipleship community. Come in person or to listen online anytime. New “Learning to Lean” lessons will be available each Wednesday following the live teaching on Tuesday at
Class begins on Tuesday, September 13th at 10:00 a.m. We meet at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 65 Old Montgomery Highway in Homewood, AL. Contact Kathy Girardeau at with questions or if you are interested in other meeting times. Please visit the Covenant website to register yourself and your child if you need childcare. (