A new semester of DDD begins next Tuesday, January 24th. Please make plans to be come and learn more about thinking like Jesus! Feel free to pass along the information below to anyone who might benefit from coming to class or listening online.
God wants to transform us by changing the way we think. As we partner with Him in that process, we can view life through His unrivaled perspective and wisdom because we have the mind of Christ! By studying and cultivating the mindsets that we see in Jesus’ earthly life, we will learn to:
- Access the mind of Christ through His Word and His Spirit
- Experience peace and joy more and more consistently no matter our circumstances
- Identify and clarify any distorted mindsets we may have and replace them with the truth about God, ourselves, and our issues
- Have greater authenticity in our relationships
- Become more focused and purposeful in our pursuits
Tuesday mornings beginning January 24th at Covenant Presbyterian, Room 104:
10:00 – 11:15 Worship and the Word
11:15 – 12:00 Mentoring groups (optional)
Listen online anytime at www.DivineDesignDiscipleship.com
Can’t come on Tuesday mornings? Contact Kathy Girardeau by reply email about additional times for mentoring groups.