Empty Nest


“Because he loves me,” says the Lord, … “I will protect him.”


For a solid year I had dreaded the day when my firstborn child would leave home to go to college. Things would never be the same once he left.  I’d sniffled (and sometimes cried outright) through almost every “last” event of his senior year. Tears would flow when I realized it was our last registration or pep rally or spring break. Soon the day would come when I would no longer be a part of his day-to-day life or close enough to make sure he had everything he needed.
By the time we got to our last family beach trip, I was inconsolable. Surely I was taxing God’s willingness to keep track of my every tear! Fortunately I was just about cried out when the Lord led me to Jeremiah 31:16: “Thus says the Lord, ‘Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears; for your work will be rewarded,’ declares the Lord.” The next verse goes on to say, “’There is hope for your future,’ says the Lord. ‘Your children will come again to their own land.’” What a good and timely word to me from my heavenly Father! I was ready to accept the reality that my only begotten son was flying out of the nest in less than a week.
The intervening days were busy with organizing and packing, and my tear ducts were actually cooperating. I woke up on Jackson’s move-in day with a sense of anticipation in my heart. After all that preparation, it didn’t take very long to get the boxes of carefully chosen college gear into that tiny apartment and put them in place. We had plenty of time for lunch and afternoon football.
The family headed to Auburn’s Jordan-Hare stadium before all the pregame traditions began. We were making our way up the long ramp that curves around the arena when I noticed feathers scattered all over the path in front of us. Immediately I was reminded of the promise so dear to my heart: “He will cover you with His feathers and under His wings you will find refuge” (Psalm 91:4). How precious of God to reassure me — I could count on Him to provide a safe place for my son.
A few minutes later I watched my son as he watched the eagle make its game day flight over the stadium. I could see the pride and determination in his face. He was crossing the threshold of a new season, and he was ready. It was time for me to step back and let God be the primary parent and teacher.
From that day on, feathers have become a symbol to me of the Lord’s protection. It seemed I saw feathers everywhere I turned those first few weeks after Jackson moved away. My heart skipped a beat every single time; I received each one as a special love message from God. I even began to find great comfort at the sight of the feathers that leaked from the annoying, cheap pillow inserts I had purchased!
While my son studied math and science, God had me majoring in trust. Jackson has since graduated with honors, and God was faithful to keep His promise of protection during those college years. Even now, every time change or uncertainty comes my way, I’m still learning that I can trust God to keep my fearful heart safe under His sheltering wing.

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