Fresh Hope


With Christians and non-Christians alike, challenging circumstances tend to turn us inward. We grit our teeth and hope the challenges end sooner rather than later. Not my dear friend Mary Whiteā€”read how her prayers took her from grim resignation to a place of fresh hope:


My dad is 83 years old, and just last October shortly after my mom passed away, he made the choice to sell their home and move into a retirement community. This was an easy move for him considering the circumstances. My older brother (who also lives in Greenville) and I spent a long weekend moving him in and getting him all settled.


Now my dad has never been one to display lots of emotion or share his feelings. We are not very close because we have not really shared our hearts with each other. We can talk about the weather or food or a football game but thatā€™s about as deep as it goes. Over the years, the Lord has helped me to hope for more in the way of relationship with my dad but at the same time love and accept him where he is.


So after just a few short weeks in his new home, my dad got sick and was hospitalized. After 3 weeks in intensive care, the decision was made that he needed more care than the retirement community could provide and he would have to move to a nursing home.


This move was tough on my dad. In 6 short months he had lost his wife, his home, his health and his independence. Once again I headed to Greenville for a visit and an opportunity to love and encourage him.


That morning as I prayed, I asked the Lord what I could do to comfort and help a man who struggled even on a good day to share his emotions and feelings with the people closest to him. The Lord led me to the story in John 12 where Mary comes in and pours a jar of oil on Jesusā€™ feet and wipes them with her hair. And I thought, ā€œJesus, this is a very close, intimate picture. I could never do something like that with my dad. We would both be so uncomfortable.ā€ The truth of that statement made me sad. But at the same time I was also hopeful, hopeful for what could be.


So as I sat outside the nursing home that morning, praying before I went in, I was nervous and uncomfortable as I remembered the picture of Mary and Jesus. I called out for help and told the Lord I was weak in the area of connecting with my dad and didnā€™t know what to do. I was thankful when He reminded me that I am never alone and when I am weak He is strong. He always comes to my rescue when I am honest with him and ask for help.


Unsure and shaky, weak and uncomfortable, I walked into my dadā€™s room. To my surprise I met a wonderful man named Dave from my parentā€™s church who ā€œjust so happenedā€ to stop by for a visit that morning! What my dad lacked in emotion, Dave made up for. As he prayed for dad I could sense Godā€™s comfort and encouragement in the room. I silently prayed ā€œThank you God for showing up!ā€ Then Dave turned to me and asked if he could pray for me. God knew exactly what I needed. Dave prayed and said his goodbyes and had not been out the door 1 minute when another person from the church came in! (You have to understand that my dad doesnā€™t have many visitors) The Lord knew I needed some help and he sent it.


After our visitors had left, dad and I were going through some mail together and he came upon a card from an old friend. Tears filled his eyes as he read the card and he looked at me and said, ā€œThe years go by so fast.ā€ I took his hand and sat in the moment and cried with him. We didnā€™t have to say a word. It was an intimate, connected moment with my dad that I will never forget.


Just before leaving that afternoon, I remembered that I had some comfy socks in my bag that I had bought for dad and asked if he would like to put them on. As he said yes, I realized he was unable to do this for himself. Before I knew it or could really think about it, there I wasā€”kneeling at my dadā€™s feet in his wheelchair, taking off his slippers and placing those new socks on his feet. The picture that God had given me of Mary and Jesus that morning quickly came to mind. Amazing, Godā€¦ another intimate moment.


What I had allowed myself to hope for, God made happen. God is showing me, through a long challenging relationship, that it is never too late for Him to soften hearts. He is a redeeming God that can make anything new! Donā€™t ever give up on love because if we will allow it, love wins every time!



He rekindles burned-out lives with fresh hope, restoring dignity and respect to their lives.

Ā 1 Samuel 2:8 MSG

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