He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.
Ps. 40:2 NIV
Lately, my attitude has stunk. My nose has been out of joint. Even though I’m not facing any major problem, everything has seemed ugly and crooked and unbearable. The words exiting my mouth have come out with a whiny tone. Think about an unhappy two year old and you’ll have the picture. Despite my efforts to climb out of the pit, I just haven’t been able to rise above my sorry state of self-absorption. My prayer has been, “Lord, rescue me from myself!”
In Matthew 9:36 we see Jesus looking over Jerusalem and having compassion on the people. His heart was moved because they were harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd. Yes, that description just about covers it. I’ve felt the same way — annoyed, pestered, vulnerable, oppressed and powerless to do anything about it.
Pray, Jesus tells His listeners, that God would send workers to help these poor people. I definitely could use some help to get out of the pits! So I bowed my head and prayed, “Lord, I cannot seem to find a way out of this funk. Would you please send a worker to help me?” Though I have many praying friends that I could call, it felt right to leave it with God, believing that He would send help my way.
The next morning found me at church. One of my favorite missionaries was in attendance, so I located him after the service for a quick visit. As we were about to part ways, he asked if he could pray for me. “Of course,” I agreed. He began to pray, asking for God’s blessing and strength. Then he paused and said, “The Father is well pleased with you.”
“Pleased? With a whiny, wayward sheep like me?” To say I was blown away is an understatement. One might expect a lecture or a solid kick in the pants, but not this. The kindness of God overwhelmed me and my heart bowed in repentance. Preoccupation with myself was replaced with praise for His marvelous grace. “Oh, Lord, your love is incredible. Thank you. Thank you for sending help. Thank you for loving me just as I am!”
The Lord of Love had sent a worker to shower me with reassurance and affirmation when I was being anything but loveable. I came away from that encounter feeling like a lost sheep that had been rescued from the ditch.
What a Good Shepherd we have, loving us the most when we deserve it the least!
But God has shown us how much he loves us
– it was while we were still sinners that Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8 GNT