Counting On God, Part 4 – 10/04/11


We continued our Counting On God series in John 15 this week but concentrated on verses 4-5. We challenged the lie that we can be who we were created to be APART FROM THE VINE. It wasn’t Adam and Eve’s desire to be like God that was sinful. They/We are created in God’s image, to be like Him. The problem was that they sought to do it apart from Him. We need to remember that God is our source of power, prestige and position. When we seek to fulfill these things apart from Him it is rebellion. Christ makes it possible for us to ABIDE IN THE VINE. Our faith work is to believe God’s promises…that He will do what He says, and be who He is! This requires 1) honesty – get real about what you really believe; what lies are you buying in to? 2) faith – don’t settle for simply “knowing” the truth in your head. Keep at it until the truth penetrates your inmost being and 3) openness – be willing to let God touch your mind, will and emotions and for Him to make changes. 

The result of abiding in Christ will yield PROFITABLE PRODUCE both internally (fruits of the Spirit) and externally (good works), as well as SATISFYING SAP as we experience the satisfaction that only God can bring. Ask God to show you anything you are elevating above knowing Him. What’s your goal??


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