This week we began our final series of the semester, Victory Through Prayer. Our focus text was Phil. 4:1, 4-9. Paul modeled for us that, with prayer, we can handle every emotion and issue that comes our way. Prayer invites a supernatural, invisible God into our natural, invisible circumstances. This is how we become transformed! Practically speaking, how do we do this? 1) Prepare the way – have a plan, find a spot, find a time, etc. 2) Come near – draw near to God and He will draw near to you (Jms 4:8a) 3) Come clean 4) Be still 5) Let Him lead.
In our homework this week we are examining our prayer life. We are learning what we can expect from God in prayer and overcoming obstacles to actually taking the time to pray! Above all, let’s remember that prayer is not about getting an answer but about connecting to the heart of God. Our goal is to KNOW HIM.
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