We ended our series on Victory Over Self this week. We were reminded that Paul preached about a personal, experiential knowledge of Jesus. Saul’s encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus CHANGED EVERYTHING!!! He went from Saul to Paul, knowing the Scriptures to knowing the true God of the Scriptures. Our default is to live out of our empty, old way of life…but we, like Paul, need to forget what lies behind and exchange that old life for a supernatural one.
Finishing up Chapter 3 of Philippians, we looked at 3 final “self’s”: 1) Self-Reliance 2) Self-Confidence 3) Self-Improvement. The antidote to these is total surrender. Resistance to surrender is fear based and keeps us on the throne. THE HOLY SPIRIT AND SELF CANNOT OCCUPY THE THRONE OF YOUR LIFE AT THE SAME TIME.
Next week is Trumpet Call!! Use your yellow page (VOS, Part 5 Worksheet) to really work on surrendering to the arms of the Lord this week. Please contact any of the leadership team if you have questions.
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