Victory In Every Circumstance, 02/01/11


This week Kathy talked about how to have victory no matter what our circumstances. In this life, we will have hardships and suffering. How can we, like Paul and like Jesus, still have victory even in those difficult times? First of all, we need to ask God that we may “learn to sense what is vital, and approve and prize what is excellent and of real value” (Phil. 1:10 Amp.). We want to be able to discern the difference between fool’s gold and real gold. Paul once valued education, religion, morality, being right, etc. above all else. In Phil. 3:10 he reminds us that his one goal – our one goal – is to know Christ. We can respond to pressure in one of two ways: Either in the flesh, which leads to preoccupation with self OR in the spirit which leads to joy as our true hearts are revealed and we are made more like Christ. As we respond properly our pressure leads to progress. WE WILL FAIL! Absence of failure is NOT our goal….knowing God is our goal. Not that we want to just therefore, keep on sinning. We need to accept that in this journey of sanctification we will stumble along the way and that we will not be perfect until heaven. So, knowing that, we want to “fail well” and let pressure push us to progress as we mature more and more into Christ-likeness. Focus on 1) My character – Let God use my mess-ups, pain, and every circumstance to mold my character to that of Christ’s (Rom. 8:28-29)  2) His character – There is ALWAYS a character trait of God that I can know better. Ask, “What aspect of God’s character is He trying to show me?”  3) This moment – The only way to know Jehovah Shammah (The Lord is here) is to be here, in the moment. We cannot borrow grace for tomorrow. God has given us our manna for today, so be fully present in the NOW.

This week take time to practice by rehearsing the truths of who God is in every circumstance. Use the worksheets to help you get to know Jehovah Shammah in new and deeper ways this week.




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