Freedom on a Short Leash


But whoever catches a glimpse of the revealed counsel of Godā€”the free life!ā€”even out of the corner of his eye, and sticks with it, is no distracted scatterbrain but a man or woman of action. That person will find delight and affirmation in the action. ~ James 1:25 Msg

My puppy, Riley, has become my running partner. Following the directions of a dog trainer, I threw out my retractable leash and bought a short leash with a training collar. Whereas Riley used to run ahead to greet other dogs on the trail, I now can give a quick tug of correction that brings him back to his place at my side. When I am in control of our runs, we are much less likely to trip and fall. The same is true in my own life with God and others. I am tempted to run ahead of God, chasing after the approval of others, before I have a word from God. At these times, I trip and fall, and am sometimes ā€œbittenā€ by the very thing I was doing to gain approval. So, for now, God has me on a short leash with a training collar. He is teaching me to block out the other voices, and to listen to Him alone. Sometimes he has to give a quick tug of correction to get me back to my place at His side. God wants me to be a God pleaser, not a people pleaser. I gain Godā€™s approval, or pleasure, when I live according to His word. I want to learn to come, go, wait, stay, and settle down at His word. Maybe someday I will not need the leash and the training collar, but until that day, there is freedom for me on a short leash with God.

Question: What distractions cause you to run ahead of God? Ask Him to help you to identify those and to keep you listening to that one voice of truth that will set you free.

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